Monday 20 September 2010

Product Research - Tormented Poster

  • Main colours used are black and red. These are both sinister colours conveying that the film will have dark elements.
  • the main figures are represented photgraphically. The main characters are lying over each other suggesting they are all closelt linked and key to the plot. However, the boy in the centre of the frame is the only one topless and using a direct mode of address portraying him as the most important.
  • the message of the poster is conveyed equally through the use of image and words. The caption reads 'A New Class of Terror' telling the audience that the genre will be horror. The poster also has a quote proclaiming the film is 'A Slasher Movie For The Skins Generation' This would attract the attention of the target audience.
  • From the quotation, it is clear that the target audience of this film is older teens (15-19)
  • The production values for the poster are low as they do not use any special effects and the backdrop is simple.
  • The poster has the release date and the classification of the film.
  • I think that the poster is effective as it captures the audience's attention and the target audience is clear.

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