Monday 20 September 2010

Product Research - Wild Child

  • The main colours are pink and purple connoting that the film will focus around female issues and characters.
  • The diamantés on the film title suggests cheap glamour and coupled with the girl in the foreground could suggest there is a character who is seen as a wannabe celebrity.
  • The main figure is a blonde girl and she is represented photographically. The fact that the girl is the mian focus suggests that she is the most important.
  • The messages in the photo are mainly photographic, conveying that the film does not have much depth.
  • I think the intended audience for this film are young teenage girls,as the colours are very girly and the main characters are all teenage girls.
  • I do not think this poster cost much to produce as it is just pictures super-imposed on a blank background.
  • It is stated on the poster that the film is released in Summer 2008 and it also has the main stars name at the top of the poster.
  • I think this poster is a bit too plain, and does not really incite any excitement. However, it does communicate all the key information effectively.

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