Friday 24 September 2010

Product Research - 127 Hours Teaser Trailer

  • The institutions are shown right at the beginning of the trailer, but in comparision a much longer time is spent on the build up to who the director is showing that the director is more important than the institutions.
  • The music that is played throughout most of the trailer sounds like a ticking clock which suggests that time is an important factor in the film.
  • There are many wide shots at the beginning of the trailer to establish setting and to show the character is independent.
  • The text slate 'Takes you on a ride' comes up alongside the image of the man riding a bike, this is used as a pun and grabs the audience's interest.
  • The trailer informs us that the film is based on a true story which would interest the audience as they will care about the character more because he is a real person.
  • The music stops when the man falls down the crevice showing us that this is a pivotal moment. To reinforce this there is the use of slow motion on the man's face to show that he is startled.
  • Finally the camera zooms out and pans over the deserted landscape showing to the audience how hopeless the situation is. This would entice the audience to go see the film to see how the movie pans out.

Monday 20 September 2010

Product Research - Shank

  • The main colours used are red, grey and black. Red and black are considered dangerous colours and grey as 'depressing'. This conveys the characters will go through threatening and unfortunate times during the film.
  • In the 'A' of the title there is a silhouette of a man standing with his fists clenched as if he is ready to fight. This suggests the genre of the film.
  • The main figures are a group of teenagers running towards the camera and they are portrayed photographically. The fact that they are running towards the camera makes them appear confrontational.
  • The messages in the poster are both visual and verbal but the verbal message of '2015. The Gangs Have Taken Over' gives away more of the plot.
  • The intended audience for this film would be older teens of both sexes as the film comes across as quite violent and there are both male and female characters shown on the poster.
  • I think this poster would be moderately priced as it would involve computer graphics and photo shoots.
  • The release date is large at the bottom of the poster along with the website. There is also information about the soundtrack as well as the names of the actors across the top.
  • I think this is an effective poster as it has all the important information and also has a lot of smaller details to it which make the audience want to look closer.
  • People may be discouraged from seeing this film as they may think it is too violent and encourages gang culture.

Product Research - Wild Child

  • The main colours are pink and purple connoting that the film will focus around female issues and characters.
  • The diamantés on the film title suggests cheap glamour and coupled with the girl in the foreground could suggest there is a character who is seen as a wannabe celebrity.
  • The main figure is a blonde girl and she is represented photographically. The fact that the girl is the mian focus suggests that she is the most important.
  • The messages in the photo are mainly photographic, conveying that the film does not have much depth.
  • I think the intended audience for this film are young teenage girls,as the colours are very girly and the main characters are all teenage girls.
  • I do not think this poster cost much to produce as it is just pictures super-imposed on a blank background.
  • It is stated on the poster that the film is released in Summer 2008 and it also has the main stars name at the top of the poster.
  • I think this poster is a bit too plain, and does not really incite any excitement. However, it does communicate all the key information effectively.

Product Research - Tormented Poster

  • Main colours used are black and red. These are both sinister colours conveying that the film will have dark elements.
  • the main figures are represented photgraphically. The main characters are lying over each other suggesting they are all closelt linked and key to the plot. However, the boy in the centre of the frame is the only one topless and using a direct mode of address portraying him as the most important.
  • the message of the poster is conveyed equally through the use of image and words. The caption reads 'A New Class of Terror' telling the audience that the genre will be horror. The poster also has a quote proclaiming the film is 'A Slasher Movie For The Skins Generation' This would attract the attention of the target audience.
  • From the quotation, it is clear that the target audience of this film is older teens (15-19)
  • The production values for the poster are low as they do not use any special effects and the backdrop is simple.
  • The poster has the release date and the classification of the film.
  • I think that the poster is effective as it captures the audience's attention and the target audience is clear.