Friday 21 January 2011

Evaluation - Question Three

What have you learned from your audience feedback? From my audience feedback, i can see that my film poster was effective for the majority of my audience. When the people that replied 'no' to the above question were asked to explain their answer, i was told that the film poster did not give away enough of the narrative. So in retrospect, perhaps more images or text on the film poster would have been a good way to make it have a wider appeal.

As we can see, more participants answered yes to this question, showing that for the most part, i used sound well. When asked what they felt had not gone well with my teaser trailer's sound, participants stated that they believed the sound to be too loud at some points within the trailer. This is something i struggled with during production. It was difficult to get the audio of my characters loud enough to be clearly audible.

I asked the participants to state which genre they believed my trailer to be, to see if i had successfully used the conventions of Teen Drama. As we can see from the above chart, everyone surveyed identified my genre as Teen Drama. This leads me to believe i was effective in using the conventions of my genre.

I also asked my audience other questions such as what was good/bad about my trailer, film poster and magazine front cover.
Things my audience felt were good about my teaser trailer were;
  • Music went well with what was happening on screen.
  • Text used for title slates was effective and helped convey genre.
  • Gave away enough of the plot.
  • Didn't give too much away.
  • Kept the audience's attantion.
Things that could have been improved;
  • Music was too loud at some points.
  • In some parts it was unclear of what was happening.
As i said before, it was difficult to adjust the music precisely using Imovie HD. As for some parts being unclear, i wanted to leave some uncertainty in scenes as otherwise it would give away too much of the plot.

Things that were good about my film poster;
  • Engaging main image.
  • Clear name of film.
  • Good tagline which engaged audiences attention.
Things that could have been improved;
  • Text under title not easily readable.
  • Image not very high quality.
I did not want the text under the film name to detract from the rest if the poster, so i made it smaller. I downloaded the text from a free text website, and it was difficult to edit in photoshop, which meant the text was not as clear as i would have liked it to be. I only had a personal digital camera to take my photo on, so this retricted the quality of the photo. I also took the photo at night, as i wanted to create a dangerous atmosphere, hence the photo quality suffered.

Things that were good about my magazine front cover;
  • All text is easy to read.
  • Main image clearly related to the film.
  • Title of the film in the same style and colour as in teaser trailer and film poster.
  • Good sub-stories.
Things that could have been improved;
  • Some parts around the image are white.
I found it difficult to work with photoshop, as the image i used had some tricky parts around it (sure as the hair, which is messy as this is typical of the character) and it was hard to get the editing too fine enough to get around everything.

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