Friday 15 October 2010

Treatment - Party Poison

When Cara arrives at her new sixth form, all she wants to do is keep her head down and do well. At first she succeeds in this, but then she meets Kia. Kia is everything Cara isn't; confident, daring and rebellious. She flips Cara's world upside down, introducing her to things she had never dreamed of experiencing. It's time for Cara to choose, school, uni and work? Or the most fun of her life...

Monday 11 October 2010

Product Research - Tormented Teaser Trailer

  • The institutions are shown briefly in the same shot, this conveys the institutions are not the campaign point for this film.
  • To reinforce this point the institutions are shown at the end of the trailer but are very small.
  • 'Tormented. Coming May 22nd' is along the bottom of the screen throughout the whole trailer so that the audience are clear on when the film comes out.
  • Dialogue is used in the first half of the trailer when there is less action but then the trailer becomes more fast-paced to engage the audience.
  • The music in contrast to the action is quite slow-paced but is also eerie which is conventional of a slasher film.
  • Reviews come up as title slates throughout the trailer putting the film in a positive light.
  • 'A slasher film for the Skins generation' comes up telling the viewer the target audience of the film and also drawing in fans of slasher films, two separate fanbases.
  • The website comes up at the end of the trailer suggesting that the film is aimed at a more technologically aware age group.

Product Research - The Box Teaser Trailer

  • The institutions come up on the screen briefly, suggesting that the instituions are not the most important factor, but the star appeal is.

  • Title slates are used instead of a voice-over as the characters are narrating the trailer through dialougue.

  • Unlike a stereotypical teaser trailer, there is a specific release date.

  • At the end of the trailer, there are fast-paced shots of actions to grab the audiences attention as up to that point the trailer has been quite slow-paced.

  • The film website comes up at the end of the trailer to encourage the audience to go and research the film.

Product Research - Teaser Trailer

  • Dialogue is the first thing heard and it is engaging as it appears the character is addressing the audience
  • There are numbers counting down from 30 suggesting that the trailer is building towards a point of optimum climax further intriguing the audience.
  • There is a sound of a ticking clock which, coupled with the numbers, hints that running out of time will be a theme in the film.
  • As the numbers decrease the sense of action gets higher keeping the audience engaged.
  • There is also a sense of rivalry between the male and female characters as shots are juxtaposed.
  • 'Coming Soon' is a vague release date creating a prolonged interest.
  • It states 'Noel Clarke Presents' showing the director is as important as the film itself.

Friday 8 October 2010

Audience Research.

To conduct my audience research, I used google documents.
To use google documents, you create an online survey, that looks like this.
I sent it out to people via Facebook messages, and all they had to do was click the link and my results appeared in a spreadsheet.
I then put all my data into charts so i could analyse it.

Are you male or female?
From this i can see that I will mostly be targeting females in my audience.

How old are you?The biggest percentage of my audience are either 17 or 18 years old, suggesting that is the age range I should target my film at.

What is your favourite genre of film?
As it is clear from the chart, comedy and romcom were the preferred genre of my audience. So i will have to incoperate aspects of these genre into my film. The least preferred genre was horror, so i will not put aspects of this into my products.

What do you think makes a good teaser trailer?

The people who i asked thought that the use of music and keeping the plot hidden, so in my teaser trailer i would make sure i used appropriate music and did not give away too much of the plot.

Do you read film magazines?

This tells me that my audience are not likely to look at a film magazine so i should use a different type of magazine to promote my film. The few people that did read film magazines read Empire, so i should take aspects from Empire magazine to engage my audience.

If no, what magazines do you read?As you can see, the main genre of magazine my audience is read are music magazines, and most stated that they read music magazines such as Rocksound and Kerrang! After seeing these results i have decided i will do some research into music magazines and incoperate some techniques used by them into my own magazine fromt cover.

What do you think makes a good film poster? My audience thought that film posters that are predominantly images and have a specific release date. So i will use these techniques on my film poster to make sure its effective.

Product Research - Empire Kill Bill